Saturday, December 28, 2019

Marketing Comparison International and Domestic - 1950 Words

Running head: MARKETING COMPARISON Marketing Comparison: International and Domestic Australia and the United States Marketing Comparison: International and Domestic Australia and the United States As defined by the American Marketing Association, Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders (AMA, 2004, 2). The definition is applied to any product, business firm in any targeted country. Marketing is the core of any business venture. Two basic functions are derived from marketing: 1) to retain and sustain present customer base, and 2) to develop†¦show more content†¦2). Statistically, 76% are Christians (Anglican, Roman Catholic, and the Uniting Church), with the remaining 24% as religions from immigrant religions, such as Islam and Buddhism. The average family consists of 2 to 3 children, with larger families conducive to immigrant groups. The United States was founded on the freedom from religious persecution; therefore, historically religion has ties to the formation of the American government. Roughly, 80% of Americans are of the Christian faith and regard religion as a personal matter (United States of America, 2007, p. 2). English is the national and prevailing language; however, Australian English is unique as the language contains numerous colloquialisms and idioms. Examples taken from Commonwealth of Australia (2007): Spot on means Right on . A prang is a fender bender . If someone is unwell, he or she is crook. English is also the national and prevailing language in American; however, English is referred to as American English also, full of unique idioms (United States of America, 2007, p. 2). Cultural influences are the most difficult and essential modifications confronting international marketers. Marketers are confronted with different attitudes, lifestyles, beliefs, languages all of which will affect the implementation of the marketing mix. Political Influences Imperative to every marketer s evaluation of an international market is an appreciation for the political environment of theShow MoreRelatedInternational and Domestic Marketing Comparison Paper: India and the United States1408 Words   |  6 PagesInternational and Domestic Marketing Comparison Paper: India and the United States Introduction Nations, like the people who inhabit them, are all different. Some, like the United States, are at the forefront of technology and development. Others exist as third world nations, where even the most basic necessities are hard to come by. And then there are those which are in the middle, such as India. 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